Live Counseling One-on-One Booster Session


A one-hour individual tune-up session with an experienced addiction counselor via your choice of Internet video or audio calling, (Skype, Google Voice, Yahoo Messaging, etc.) telephone, chat, instant messaging, or email.

SKU: INT-01 Category:


Available to registered OSAT students only

These are one-hour individual tune-up sessions with an experienced addiction counselor via your choice of Internet video or audio calling, (Skype, Google Voice, Yahoo Messaging, etc.) telephone, chat, instant messaging, or email.

Students registered for either the Online Self Study Course or Live Online Counseling may use these sessions for addressing their recovery needs on an individualized basis. You may order as many booster sessions as you need during a 12 month period beginning with your enrollment in the program.

After ordering a booster session, you will be contacted by OSAT to choose your method of connection to the counselor and to schedule your session(s).